Thursday, April 5, 2012


Well, I picked up that application, then I realized I needed to get a phone number for a reference for me to put on the application, but I have to get it from work and I don't work again until Friday night at 11pm which would put me late on getting the application filled out by Friday.  I did explain to John and he said that as long as I got the number put on it before midnight.  I feel a little like Cinderella lol.

Today we finished up all the little details of spring cleaning and I just about got in trouble.  I got several warnings about my attitude.  I guess if I have to admit it, that's when I get stressed.  At the little details phase when we're putting everything back together.  You see, once that majority of the work is done, John starts getting in "everything's done" mode, but to me, nothing's done until all the little details have been tied together, so I get frustrated and crabby.  I did have to walk out side a couple of times to cool off before addressing another task.  I managed to get completely done with all the spring cleaning (except outside, but we have 5 kids, so tomorrow when they're all home, we're handing them all trash bags and sending them out lol) without a "you're in trouble" but then again I AM scheduled for maintenance tonight, so my attitude may me addressed then.

Speaking of maintenance, it was supposed to me last night.  I was so exhausted, I wasn't really in the mood.  Then, John asked me what I feel is a trick question with no right answer, he asked "do you want to do maintenance tonight?"  Can I answer that question honestly without getting in trouble?  It turns out I can.  I told him "I'm really exhausted and would prefer not to, but I realize it's not my decision"  I guess that was the right answer because he responded that we'd do it "tomorrow night" which is now tonight.

Oh!  Back to spring cleaning and my attitude...I was getting stressed and maybe a tad bit snippy (maybe just a little, maybe), so anyways, John said he was going to hire a maid.  I told him he didn't need to hire one because he married one, duh!  He said he wanted one who'd clean his house in a little maid's outfit.  He said this to try to lighten my mood.  It must have worked because I stomped off into my room and slammed to door.  A few minutes later, I returned to him.  He said "well welcome back drama queen" then turned around to see his wife dressed in a little maid's outfit (yes the sexy kind ;).  After cleaning like that for a few seconds, I was dragged to the bedroom.

I prefer bedroom time when we're both not wearing any pants rather than the kind when I'm the only one bare. : P


  1. LOL feisty thing!

    Thanks for the giggle and good luck with maintenance tonight. I'm up for it tonight too.

    Humm, I wonder how many Susie/Suzie's around the world are getting spanked tonight? There has to more than just you and me...:)

    1. Your welcome for the giggle and thanks for the good luck and good luck on you maintenance as well...must be the name lol

  2. Well you sure were fiesty today, and NOTE you will nit always het away with being tired but we both worked hard yesterday! I also like it when both our pants are off but more so when your butt is nice and warmed up!!!

  3. You need a Cinderella costume now. Good luck with maintenance tonight.!!

    1. Hmm, Cinderella costume...I think they sell one at the website I buy most my costumes from, I'll have to check, thanks for the idea.
