Sunday, February 19, 2012

From not interested to in love part 1

I figured it would be a good idea to start our story from the beginning.

When John and I first met we weren't interested in each other.  John and I get asked all the time how we went from not intersted to in love.  The short version of that story is that because when we met we weren't interested so there were no games.  The person we met is the person we're married to and is the person we're married to today. 

When people meet and are interested in each other they start by showing being the best them, but inevitably they're faults and weaknesses start to show through over time.  That didn't happen with us.

I had just come out of a really bad relationship and I was mad at myself for destroying the peace and contentment I had created with my kids and me by throwing a relationship in the mix and I was intent on recreating that and not dating anymore.  John a year into a ugly divorce.  A mutual "friend" had asked us if we wanted to meet each other for a blind date, both of us adamantly said no.  So, this mutual "friend" asked John if he'd come over and look at her "broken" washing machine and then asked me to come over to study for an upcoming test we had in school (we were in nursing school together).  After and awkward time of avoiding actually having to talk to each other, it was time for me to head home.  I said my good-byes to my friend and her kids, gathered my kids and loaded them in my vehicle and ended with a polite "nice to meet you" to John and almost sighed relief as I climbed into my car and he had not asked for a phone number.  I was relieved just a little too soon.  Our "friend" butted in and asked him if he was going to ask me for my phone number "sheesh do I have to do everything for you" she teased and with no real polite way to get out of this I gave him my number and just hoped he wouldn't use it.  At the time I did not notice he actually had no intentions of asking my number and later no intentions to use it once he got it. 

Over the next several weeks, we both politely waited for the relationship to just fizzle out.  We weren't trying to push each other away, we just didn't try to impress each other.

If it wasn't for this mutaul "friend" of ours, his best friend at the time and a friend of mine, that would've been where our story ended, thankfully it's not, but that's a post for another time.

To be continued...

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