Sunday, May 13, 2012

Ironing Hubby's Shirts

A few quick updates before I continue on with this post...

I've been an emotional mess here lately.  I'll be fine and actually feel very good for a couple of days, then I'm off into a fit of tears again.  The other day, I broke down again.  My husband revealed his job is going to the new, horrendous schedule earlier than expected and after receiving news I did not get the job I wanted, I just couldn't take it anymore and I cried.  The I discovered I'd lost a stone on my brand new mother's ring and I cried some more, but John reassured me we had insurance on the ring and we could take it into the shop and have the stone replaced, whew!

We bought a new hair brush, yes for "that" (shudders).  I will tell you the whole story after we've tried it out this evening.

I'm working on a really fun (for me anyways) blog post about what Dd has done for my femininity.  I'm enjoying writing it and I hope you will enjoy reading it when I'm done and if not, who cares, I had fun writing it :)

Also, I'm debating whether to post about our 2 anniversaries, but it's such a unique story I'm afraid people will recognize it, so I'm trying to figure out a way to write it without too many details but to still get the point across, we'll see. :/

OK, now for our feature presentation:

I love cleaning my house.  I'm not sure why.  (Btw, my house is far from immaculate, we have 5 kids between the ages of 2 and 8)  If my husband would take the kids and leave for a couple of hours, I would crank up the music and have a blast cleaning.  It's kind of like taking a long walk to me, it clears my head and relaxes me.  I know that's weird, but if you knew me you'd know that I'm just weird.

So, John has created a new rule, I must press his work shirts.  I love cleaning but for some reason I'm not big on ironing.  I'd rather throw the cloths back in the dryer or take it to the cleaners.  The other day, I did my usual chores (self imposed) and as loads of laundry came out of the dryer, I folded everything and put it away immediately, but I hung John's work shirts on the coat rack to be dealt with later.  Then, it was later. :(  I had finished all my work except the ironing.  So I reluctantly placed a towel on the dining table (we don't own an ironing board, maybe that's why I dislike ironing so much, or maybe we don't own one BECAUSE I dislike ironing so much) and heated up the iron.  The task took me all of 10 minutes.  Whew!  I was done and I didn't have to worry about it for another week (OK, when I write it out like that, I just sound like a big baby)!

The next day, John said "Baby, thank you for pressing my shirts, I noticed and I really appreciate it."  I welled up with pride, I sure do like making him happy.  Now I can't wait to do it again.  :)

And now in honor of Mother's Day, I'm giving my kids blogger names so when I tell stories, it won't be as confusing...
Our oldest and only boy will be called John Jr. because he acts just like John and he's the only boy :)
My older step-daughter will be called Kelli because she reminds me of Kelli Kapowski (sp?) from Saved by the Bell only with out the fashion sense, my poor step-daughter has no fashion sense what-so-ever.
My older daughter will be called Suzie Jr. because she too loves to clean :)
My younger step-daughter will be called Tommi because she's our little tom-boy
and our baby will be called Princess because I think she truly believes she is a princess.

Happy Mother's Day to all you Mommies, Aunties, Step-mommies, honorary mommies, and big sisters out there!


  1. My husband would so love it if I loved to clean. I relate to your hating a job that doesn't take long. When I think logically, it is so dumb, but I hate to put the silverware away. Don't ask me why, but I would rather wash the dishes than unload the dishwasher, but the silverware chore just bugs me. Happy Mother's Day to you also, and God Bless You and Your Family, Belle L.

    1. Thank you, Belle!

      I think everyone has their thing they don't like, mine's ironing, yours apparently is putting dishes away. :)

  2. Aw, this is very sweet. I sure wish I liked to clean the way you do! It would save me a LOT of arguing about having to do chores. I blame the internet. Before there was internet, I blamed books. :P

    I'm so sorry you didn't get the job you wanted. :(

    You know, an ironing board is REALLY cheap, if you're not picky. I think I bought mine for $12. Just saying...though I have probably used mine 3 times in 2 years. 1 was for "ironing" wrinkled paper. :P

    I am glad that John was so sweet about praising you for the ironing and that it made you happy. :)

    1. I don't think the reason we don't own an ironing board has anything to do with money if I were to get honest with myself lol.

    2. Hehe...but surely you need one now... :D
