Saturday, May 19, 2012

I'm Not Going Anywhere

I just wanted to hop in to let everyone know I'm not dropping off the face of the earth, I just have a very busy weekend.  I'm still reading your blogs, but I cannot comment from my phone.  I'm actually writing this as I shove food in my mouth for the first time today before heading for a nap before work tonight.  I also can't respond to each of your very nice comments on my last post.  I will come Wednesday (barring any unforeseen circumstances) and respond to your comments.

Thank you all again for your very kind support, I will never be able to express what it means to me adequately with words.

A parting thought though, we're getting ready to head on a family road trip next month and we'll be in very close quarters with each other and our children for 2 weeks leaving no time for "adult" time.  I'm wondering if any of you have any ideas or suggestions on how to keep this dynamic going even while we're on our trip?


  1. I haven't even had time or energy to leave comments. Glad that you are hanging in there.

    About the travelling, we have some signals that my husband can use. There are the obvious ones, but a hand on the back of my neck is extremely effective at pulling me back in. Is there something that John does now that sort of catches your heart in your throat for a second...but also makes you feel all safe and cared for? Maybe he can use that while you travel.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion. John tried that hand on the back of my neck thing the other day after he seen your comment and amazingly it worked very well.

  2. Real life comes first. Always. Always, always, always. In fact, if I blog to the point where it interferes with my real life duties, well, you can imagine what happens. Don't worry about us. We'll still be here. Go and take care of your obligations, your family, and your self. Not in that order.

    Once D comes back, I imagine I'll be in blogland about 99% less than now. I'm slowly trying to cut back to prepare. Think of it as a blog fast. :)

    This sounds very old-school, but I've very recently had to keep a little record of every time I've broken a rule. Just a little post-it note with a check mark on one rules that was deemed to be important. And you know, every time I have to put down a mark I really stop and think about what it will cost me later. Maybe something like that would be helpful.

    1. Thank you, Ana. I think I may use a log as well while on our trip. I think we may use both your and Susie's ideas and we'll try to come up with some of four own as well.
