Friday, August 17, 2012

HOH in Training

John and I are getting ready to head out on a romantic getaway for the weekend, but before I left I wanted to share one more post with you.  I was torn which post to write next.  I knew I wanted it to be more upbeat after the last one, so, I chose this one because it's kind of cute (IMO).  I hope you enjoy.

First, a little background.  My son, Junior's father and I split when Junior was six months old.  As much as I tried to make sure Junior had as much of a normal childhood, he (maybe out of instinct?) picked up and sort of became the man of the house.  He was Mommy's little helper, Mommy's little man.  It was him and Mommy against the world (or so it seemed at times).  Even when Little Suzie was born, it was almost like Junior and I were raising her together.

Mommy had a few boyfriends here and there but they usually we just friends and never anything serious.  Nobody stayed the night, EVER, let alone did any of them live with us.

When John and I got serious and moved in and began planning our happily ever after, Junior butted heads with John, A LOT.  He acted as if he was threatened by this new man.  At first John and I were completely stumped but Junior's behaviors.  We didn't understand.  I truly thought I was doing what was right by providing a male role model in his life.  One day it dawned on both of us what Junior's problem was and I had a talk with him.  I explained to him about how this was his opportunity to be a normal kid and nothing more.  I explained that I still needed him in my life and that he was still important but that his role was just a bit different.  John was here to help us both not take his job.  He relaxed after that and watching the two bond amazing.

Junior and I left the other night at dinner to go to practice and were going to eat when we got home.  When we got home I was so tired, I began heating up dinner for Junior and said "I'm tired and heading to bed."  Junior said to me "NOT before you eat dinner."  I'm sitting here thinking "Is Dad paying you?"

Another time, mother nature was taking her toll on my emotions and I awoke to find John had cleaned my house.  Did I react with thanks and gratitude like John deserved?  Oh no, mother nature had other plans (all you ladies know what I mean, right?).  I began getting all upset saying things like "I feel useless to this family" and "I'm a bad mother and wife, I can't even keep the house clean by myself."  I kid you not, both John and Junior simultaneously said "Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down, what's wrong?"  I think if I wasn't already in mother nature's grips, I probably would have laughed.

So there you have it.  Examples of how my husband is influencing my son  ( NO HE IS MY SON NOW   LOL).  Now, I can never get away with anything again because he's got a little deputy looking out for me when he's not around.


  1. Oh truly are never going to get away with anything again. :)

    Sounds like Junior is going to make some lovely lady a pretty awesome HOH in a decade or two. :)

    Yay for the romantic getaway! Enjoy every single minute.

    1. We did enjoy our trip, thank you Molly. And I agree, Junior will make a good HOH/husband one day, let's hope I have a while yet though :)

  2. That was so sweet Suzie! You are raising a good man.

    1. Thank you, Susie. I hope I've done a good job so far and now he has a good example to follow.

  3. Suzie, that is the sweetest post. Someday you should share some of it with Junior. Makes me want to hug my boys, as they too are little HoHs in training. Lol

    1. Maybe someday I'll share some of it with him. Not sure how I'd feel telling him that his dad and I are a Dd couple lol.

  4. That is very sweet, Suzie. It is neat to hear how much John and your son get along. It also sounds like you can use the help in making sure you take care of yourself. :)

    Hope you had a wonderful trip.

    1. We had a great trip thank you. I do need to be reminded to take care of myself from time to time and the men in my life are apparently going to make sure I remember.
