Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Back on Track with Submission

After my last post I feel I should update you all especially after all the very sweet comments I got from Ana, Molly and Susie.

Yesterday was catch up on cleaning after working for a few days.  I constructed my to-do list remembering that I'm not supposed to obsess about cleaning so much.  I even put on which chores I would delegate to the children (I have a hard time delegating).  When John came home yesterday morning he asked to see my list.  I about jumped for joy, not really sure why, but it's nice knowing he cares enough to oversee what amount of stress I'm allowed to have.  He appreciated the delegations on the list.  "Yes, that's right, the KIDS will clean their rooms".  He made a few changes, not much.  He added that he will help make dinner (not make dinner for me) and that we will do it TOGETHER.  He also said the kids will clean up from dinner.

Then, I didn't have to ask for a thing to do while he was sleeping, he just told me "you will take the kids outside today, let them play in the sprinkler or pull out the slip 'n slide".  Again my heart fluttered.

I am much more relaxed and handled little issues with ease. I took the time to cook breakfast yesterday morning which made me feel good.  I enjoy doing things like that for my family and I've been so down lately I haven't felt it, but I woke up yesterday morning thinking the kids would enjoy pancakes and eggs.  I wish John could have joined us though.  I also cooked dinner the night before.  OK back track for a minute.  I love cooking for my family.  I'm not one of those people who dread dinner time and put it off to the last minute.  I plan tomorrow night's dinner while eating tonight's then I work on it all day.  Unfortunately, John loves cooking also, mostly bbqing but he likes to cook inside as well.  His schedule has changed so he doesn't have to go in until later so we have more time to prepare and eat dinner, so he's taken the opportunity to cook, but it made me feel left out or like I wasn't contributing.  So he let me cook dinner last night (OK he had his "guy" thing to do, so I had to) but I was elated.  Hence why we're cooking together.  Actually we're going to start cooking together more often.  It's a great way to spend time together and we'd both be doing something we love without leaving anyone out :).

I'm pretty sure I gained 100 pounds while on vacation and have been feeling kind of blah about it.  I had made a comment that I was going to stop eating all together to lose the weight.  John got pretty upset about it and made it a rule that I have to eat 3 meals a day.  I'm not much of a breakfast eater, but I tried.  I feel pretty good about it.  After I built my plate yesterday morning, I looked at it with a scrunched up face.  I really didn't want to eat it but I knew I had to at least try.  I only ate half of it (that made me wish John were here for breakfast a little more) but I actually had more energy yesterday than usual.  Not sure if it's because I wasn't as stressed as usual, because I ate breakfast or because I took my iron.  Maybe it's all 3.  But it feels good.

Today I got another approval but he did mention that the list was kind of long.  It was but it was a lot of little things that don't take long and I can get everything done by lunch time if I tried.  He said that I had to write a post :) and that we were spending time together this evening on our front porch.


  1. I am glad you are feeling more like yourself today, Suzie! The making dinner together idea is really sweet, and I love that your man has to remind you stop cleaning and have fun sometimes, too;)

    1. Thank you, Tess! I love that my man does take the time to remind me to relax. :)

  2. Suzie, sounds like you have a handle on things. Lists are good, delegating is hard but good to do and spending anytime with your husband is great. I am not a cook so I have to say I am a little envious. If it weren't for our kids, I doubt my husband and I would remember to eat.

    1. I didn't always love to cook, in fact I used to hate it and I vowed to marry a man who could cook, too bad I grew to love it lol

  3. Sounds like things are going much better for you! That's great!

  4. I love Saturday dinner because we always cook those together!

    1. That's awesome, something for you to look forward to all week :)

  5. I love that you cook together!

    I also think it's interesting that when our men step into everyday life, not to micromanage but to pay attention to what we are doing (or overdoing), it makes us feel all warm and loved. I wonder if that makes sense to them. I'll have to ask, but attending to the details and being in the middle of it with you is pretty amazing.

    Hope you had a nice evening on the porch. :)

    1. We had a great evening on the porch thank you! :) It make us feel loved but I think it also makes them feel included

  6. Glad things are back on track for you Suzie! Sounds like you are recovering from vacation nicely.

    1. Thank you, Molly! I am recovering now lol. I need a vacation after my vacation
